Unable To Upload PDF
(Please skip to 02:04 in the video above.) If you have received one of the following error messages, then this article is for you. "A network connection error has occurred. Please try again." "The import operation has failed." You will receive one of these error messages when HelloCustom is taking too long to convert the PDF into an editable template. This most commonly occurs when there is a vector image within tSome readersPDF Is Above 15MB Limit
(Please skip to 00:22 in the video above.) HelloCustom has a maximum file size limit of 15MB. If you upload your design and get an error message that your PDF is above 15MB, this is not a problem. The solution is very simple. To reduce the file size and maintain resolution, you will need to compress theFew readersFile Size Exceeds 25M Pixel Limit
HelloCustom has a maximum pixel area limit of 25,000,000 pixels. Most print products will work with this pixel area limit, but some larger products like blankets and beach towels will not. If your product is smaller than a beach towel, but your design exceeds the 25M pixel area limit, make sure you are using the design template providFew readersMessed Up Design After Conversion
We are proud to say that HelloCustom currently has one of the best PDF to editable template conversion processes on the market. We even give Canva a run for their money. With that said, it's still not perfect. If you upload your PDF to HelloCustom and the design gets messed up during the conversion back to an editable template, please let us know! If you send us the problem PDF, our team will fix the root issue, making the system more accurate for all users. Our team typically has the isFew readersPDF Not Converted To Editable Template
(Please skip to 05:18 in the video above.) If you upload a PDF of your design, HelloCustom will convert it back to an editable template. After uploading, if your design remains a single non-editalbe image, check the following:Few readersUnable To Convert Kittl PDFs
(Please skip to 03:12 in the video above.) Unfortunately, Kittl flattens their PDFs. As a result, HelloCustom is unable to convert them back into an editable template. If you create your designs in Kittl, you can upload your designs without the personalization elements as a PNG and add them back within our editor. From within HelloCustom's editor, you can add a text element, stylize it, and tag it for personalization. WeFew readersPhotoshop PDF Not Working
If you created your design on Photoshop and your PDF is not uploading correctly, try the following solution. Step 1: Download design as PSD. Step 2: Upload PSD file to Adobe Illustrator. Step 3: Download as PDF from Adobe Illustrator. Step 4: Upload PDF to HelloCustom. If your PDF is not working from Photoshop, many times downloading the PDF from Adobe Illustrator solves the issue. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readers