Personalization Is Incorrect Or Missing
If HelloCustom did not properly personalize your graphic, this typically stems from one of two reasons. Reason 1: The tags were used improperly. For example, the Name tag is for common people or pet names. Therefore, the AI will not recognize if it was used for an organization's name, team's name, profession's name, or anything other than what it was trained for. Reason 2: The tag was used correctly, but the AI did not recFew readersHow To Edit Graphic Before Approving
If you need to edit the personalized graphic for any reason before approving, click on the three dots to the right of the 'Approve' button and click on 'edit.' This will pull up the graphic in your editor side-by-side with the personalization request from the customer. After editing the graphic, click on 'save' in the top right corner and the updated graphic will be applied to the order. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readersHow To Cancel Orders In Approval Queue
Canceling orders in your approval queue so it's not sent to production is simple to do. To cancel an order, click on the 'X' in the top right of the approval card, where you will be asked if you would like to delete this order. Click on 'Delete' and the order will be deleted. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readersCan You Bulk Approve Orders?
Currently, HelloCustom does not have a way to bulk approve orders. We have you manually approve each graphic, even though it just takes a second to do, because AI is not perfect. Therefore, we still need a manual human approval process before orders are sent to production. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readersHow To See White Graphics For Approval
If your graphic is all white, or a light color, you are unable to see it from the thumbnail preview on the approval card since it is a white graphic on a white background. To view white graphics, click on the thumbnail of the personalized graphic, where it will be enlarged on your screen. Below the graphic is a toggle button, where you can make the background a dark color. By toggling to the 'Make dark,' you will be able to see the white graphic against a dark background to verify the persoFew readers