How to Connect Etsy Account
To connect your Etsy account to HelloCustom, follow the steps below: Step 1: Make sure you are signed into the correct Etsy account Step 2: Go to your Connections page, located in the bottom left menu Step 3: Click the 'Connect' button to the right of Etsy Step 4: On the Etsy approval popup, click 'Allow' If nothing happens when you click on the 'Connect' button, this typically occurs if you have popup blockers turned on. Turning these off and trying again will typically wSome readersConnect Multiple Etsy Accounts
HelloCustom's Business plan allows you to connect multiple Etsy accounts to a single HelloCustom account. To connect a second Etsy account, make sure you are signed into the correct Etsy account, go to your Connections page, and click on 'Connect' for the Etsy marketplace. This will connect the new store to your HelloCustom account. You can toggle between your different store connections on the left navigation menu.Few readersEtsy Order Not Found On HelloCustom
Once you integrate your Etsy account with HelloCustom, HelloCustom scans your Etsy account every 5 minutes for new orders. When a new order is found on your Etsy account, HelloCustom checks to see if the SKU sold matches an active template in your HelloCustom account. If the SKU matches an active template, HelloCustom pulls the order in and personalizes the graphic. If the SKU does not match any active templates, it will not pull the order into your HelloCustom account. Therefore, if youFew readersHelloCustom Order Not Found On Etsy
If you have an order in your HelloCustom approval queue that you cannot find in your Etsy account, this means the order was cancelled by Etsy after HelloCustom pulled the order. This is not common, but if a customer's payment fails, Etsy will delete the order. You can click on the 'X' in the top right of the approval card to delete it, so it is not sent to production. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readersUnable To Connect To Etsy
If nothing happens when you click on the 'Connect' button for Etsy, this typically occurs if you have popup blockers turned on. Turning these off and trying again will typically work. If your popup blockers are turned off and still nothing happens, please sign into a different web browser and try again. This should do the trick. If you have any questions, please contact support below.Few readers