Articles on: Approval Queue

Personalization Is Incorrect Or Missing

If HelloCustom did not properly personalize your graphic, this typically stems from one of two reasons.

Reason 1: The tags were used improperly. For example, the Name tag is for common people or pet names. Therefore, the AI will not recognize if it was used for an organization's name, team's name, profession's name, or anything other than what it was trained for.

Reason 2: The tag was used correctly, but the AI did not recognize the personalization. HelloCustom's AI is still learning and getting more accurate each day, but there are still some unique personalizations it is unable to recognize. For example, HelloCustom used to not know 'Leaf' or 'Peanut Butter' could be a common pet name, but learned these in time.

If the graphic was not personalized correctly and you manually personalize it before approving, HelloCustom learns from this and gets that much more accurate for the next time this same personalization comes through its system.

If you have any questions, please contact support below.

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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