Articles on: Etsy Integration

Etsy Order Not Found On HelloCustom

Once you integrate your Etsy account with HelloCustom, HelloCustom scans your Etsy account every 5 minutes for new orders.

When a new order is found on your Etsy account, HelloCustom checks to see if the SKU sold matches an active template in your HelloCustom account.

If the SKU matches an active template, HelloCustom pulls the order in and personalizes the graphic.

If the SKU does not match any active templates, it will not pull the order into your HelloCustom account.

Therefore, if you do not have an active template for the product prior to the sale, the product will not be personalized by HelloCustom.

We do not currently have a way to backlog orders if the template is made after the order was placed, but this is a feature we will be releasing soon.

If you have any questions, please contact support below.

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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